How to Support Us

Reaper Feed is a grassroots, independent, and non-mainstream outlet of conflict reportage. We provide a platform for like-minded writers, content creators, and experts in various fields related to global conflicts. We appreciate all forms of support from a retweet to a donation to keep our site up and running. Below you can find out the three most common, and mutually beneficial, methods to support us.

Join a frontline expedition

Joining one of our organized guided trips to warzones and breakaway states, accompanied by a Reaper Feed guide, translator, and security advisor is a great way to support us.

Shop at our store

Many of our followers support us in a mutually beneficial way by shopping at the Reaper Feed store for military-grade gear, merchandise, and survival gear for international travel.


By pledging to us each month on Patreon, you get access to exclusive content, early access to merchandise, and generous discounts off our frontline expeditions.

Exclusive Patreon Content

By signing up to support us on Patreon, you gain access to exclusive Reaper Feed articles. These range from interviews with foreign volunteers who waged war on ISIS to articles on black people who fought in the Chechen Wars.

Additionally, we will receive our newsletter covering conflict updates from around the world as well as a spotlight on a current or former unexplored conflict. Our Patreon is also full of videos and photos from our work in various conflict zones around the world.