Intelligence Assessment & Chosin Reservoir Battle: Value Chain

A military is most effective not by the amount of manpower it has, the amount of military vehicles or the financial backing,...

Russian mobilized issued broken AK-74

We have all had good laugh at freshly mobilized russian tank-man being issued rusty AKM rifles. Well, while it's not something you'd...

War in Ukraine takes WW1 forms

As Netflix just aired it's fresh look at "All Quiet on the Western Front", we are airing two new videos from the eastern...

Russian soldier face gets taken off after Ukrainian UAV drops a grenade

Another highly graphical and uncanny video showing the reality of modern war (or in fact, any war). An old Soviet F-1 grenade...

An Interview With a British Fighter in Donbass – Cossack Gundi

At Reaper Feed, we've covered the war in the Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine from both sides of the frontline. Recently, we...

Paki Tape – AK Accessories You Need to Know About

This material is now available on our YouTube channel Romanian folding stock,...

Protected: British YPG Volunteer Talks Firefights & Escaped Leopards – Ed Nash Pt. 2

In 2015, Ed Nash traveled from his home in the UK to Syria to take part in the fight against Daesh. Despite...

If Operation Iraqi Freedom was done by Russian command chain

Here is a thought experiment. Let's imagine that the US invasion of Iraq was managed on the same level as the Russian invasion...

FGM-148 Javelin footage – Ukrainian soldier strikes Russian armor

A video from Ukraine shows the moment a Ukrainian soldier strikes a Russian armored vehicle with a FGM-148 Javelin. The high-tech FGM-148...

Georgian Legion Soldiers Overrun Russian Trench System

Continuing our tread of WW1 trench system style videos from Ukraine we have came onto this video. Here we can see a...