The U.S. sent South Korea a secret submarine, North Korea panicked

On July 18, escorted by two U.S. missile destroyers, the 170-meter long Ohio-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Kentucky docked at a pier in the...

The Germans may have just unveiled the world’s most formidable tank

This is the first modern German main combat tank in more than 40 years. The KF51, or "Panther," is loaded to the gills with...

What is a Woobie Blanket? The Best Ones For Sale

It can be established without a doubt that a number of important inventions were created in order to aid the military. Zippers,...

20 Epic Photos From Donetsk by War Photographer Guillaume Chauvin

Guillaume Chauvin takes an unexpected approach to conflict photography in Ukraine: the French war photographer has been capturing the open conflict and...

Soviet Weapons of the Afghan War – the complete 500 page guide to the past

Soviet Weapons was always a big topic in the gun community. The Soviet invasion to Afghanistan turned out to be a 10...

Protected: Looking at the Golden Guns of the Gaddafi Regime

The regime of Muammar Gaddafi ruled Libya with an iron fist for four decades. Gaddafi himself was the subject of a pervasive...

Protected: Fentanyl Lollipops – The War on Terror Candy

Armadillo is a phenomenal war documentary by Janus Metz that follows a group of Danish soldiers situated less than a kilometer away...

Ganja, Azerbaijan – Man Dives for Cover as Armenian Artillery Strikes

Ganja is a city in western Azerbaijan and was the site of a recent artillery bombardment fired by Armenian military forces.

The Half Swedish Half Black Neo-Nazi Mercenary and War Criminal

*Warning - The following Reaper Feed article ''A Half Swedish Half black Neo-Nazi Mercenary, War Criminal & Cop Killer" contains graphic...

Covering a Forgotten War from the Separatist Republics of Donbass

Dean O'Brien is a freelance photographer covering the forgotten war from the Separatist Republics of Donbass in Eastern Ukraine.