Loyalist Arms – 5 Homemade Weapons From The Troubles

The following article "Loyalist Arms - 5 Homemade Weapons From The Troubles" would not have been possible without the immense amount of...

CQB Between Hamas & IDF During The Brutal Nahal Oz Tunnel Attack

Combat footage from the Nahal Oz Tunnel Attack in 2014 shows Hamas militants emerge from a tunnel before engaging in brutal CQB with the IDF.

Chesty Puller Quotes – 10 of the Best

When it comes to Chesty Puller, the words he spoke epitomised the legend himself. These are Reaper Feed's top 10 Chesty Puller Quotes.

An Analysis of Truck Accidents in Combat

An Analysis of Truck Accidents in Combat Military...

5 Questions That Every Service Member Facing a Court Martial May Have

The greatest fear for any service member is to be brought before a court-martial...

What Should You Consider Before Purchasing Your First AR-15 Rifle? 

What Should You Consider Before Purchasing Your First AR-15 Rifle?  Image Source: Unsplash  If you...

Vice City Stories: Prostitutes and Krinkovs in Moscow

The first of our Vice City Stories takes us to 1990s Moscow, where the Vice Squad attempted to stop the growth of Russian prostitutes.

US Proxy & The Beast – The Cult 80s Film Celebrating the Mujahideen

The Beast of War is a cult US movie made in 1988. Set during the Soviet-Afghan War, it paints a charismatic image of then US Proxy force, the Mujahideen.

German WWI veteran describes killing French soldier in a bayonet charge

A graphic yet poetic description of combat like this is rare. A German veteran of WW1 relays his experience of killing a French corporal in a bayonet charge

How Good is the Chinese Copy of the U.S. MQ-9 Reaper Drone?

The Chinese-made CASC drones are largely considered to be a copy of the U.S. made MQ-9 Reaper Drone. However, the CASC has been fraught with problems.