US Troops Blow up an Iraqi Fuel Tanker With M203 Grenade Launcher

An Iraqi fuel tanker erupts in an almighty explosion after U.S. troops take aim at it with their standard issue M203 grenade launcher.

Azeris in Iran Sing & Dance as an Armenian Base Burns Over the Border

Azeris in Iran have been filmed singing and dancing on the border of Nagorno Karabakh as an Armenian border post burns in the distance.

John Chapman & The First Medal of Honor Ever Recorded on Camera

Following his intensely brave actions in the War in Afghanistan, Airman John A. Chapman was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

Popular Podcasts That Provide Newsrep on Modern Warfare

When it comes to popular podcasts on modern warfare, we compiled a list of our top 5 with Popular Front taking the place at number 1.

Gorka Suit – A Russian Army Costume of Modern Warfare

The Gorka suit is a hardwearing, windproof Russian Army costume that was created in the Soviet Afghan War and is still in use in wars today.

Sniper Hits HMG Ammo Box on a Humvee Sparking Jets of Fire

Combat footage from the battle of Mosul shows a Daesh sniper targetting the ammo box of a HMG, causing it to erupt in jets of flames.

TOW Gunner Wipes Out SAA Tank That Almost Killed him Seconds Before

Syrian rebel blows up a tank with TOW. Produced by the United States in 1970, TOW stands for "Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided".

Blood Stained Camera Captures ”Scene From Hell” Friendly Fire Incident

Combat footage shows an infamous friendly fire incident, fire coming from one's own side, that took place in Iraq and killed 18 people.

Urban Warfare: Tank Crew See Their Comrades Wiped Out by an RPG-29

Urban Warfare is generally carried out in towns and cities. It is different from combat in the open at operational and the tactical levels.

Nagorno Karabakh – Fleeing Azeri Troops Shot Dead by Snipers

In the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno Karabakh, Azeri troops are shot dead by Armenian snipers.